Tuesday, 13 September 2022

How to Scry in a Dog’s Bottom & Other Odd Things

I once saw a huge crystal ball on a stall at an antique market. As I was looking at it, wondering if I could afford the equally huge price-tag, the stallholder said: ‘It’d be even more expensive if it was a crystal ball that really worked.’ 

‘It isn’t the object that does the work, it’s the person.’ I replied. ‘I could scry into anything shiny.’ I picked up a black dog ornament on his stall and added: ‘Even that dog’s bottom.’ I later bought a cheeky ornament just like it, and I’ve since scryed using it perfectly well. You can see it from various angles in the photos on this post! I also have a black cat ornament and that's fine too because any reflective black (or clear) surface has the right properties for scrying.

When I teach scrying workshops I explain that while crystals and cauldrons might be ideal, they aren't essential. In the past wise-women, cunning folk and fortune-tellers often used things that were readily available and inexpensive. Glass fishing floats, paperweights and even wine glasses work almost as well as crystal or glass balls. Instead of a cauldron or obsidian mirror you can use a mug full of black coffee or a dark-coloured bowl with or without water in it. I've even used an old ready meal dish for scrying on the cheap

You can learn more about crystal ball reading and other forms of divination in my book Pagan Portals - Scrying

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