Friday, 22 September 2023

Craft: Macrame Charm Bracelet for the Autumn Equinox

I made this macrame charm bracelet for the equinox using some cord left over from another crafting project and an old button. I was inspired by Phil Smith's Silversnake Project, which invites reflection and ritual practices on environmental themes with a toolkit of actions. One of the suggestions in the book is to make a charm bracelet. It says:
"Use something simple like string or wool, then tie on any charms you find around the home or in the street: a badge, a safety pin, a button fallen from a coat, a lost key, whatever you have or can find that has meaning for you... The charms can be things that make you feel protected or reflective, they can.... connect you to other things... or... remind you of important principles."

I thought of using macrame as that's traditionally a craft with string and I found several easy online tutorials on making a macrame charm bracelet. However, I ended up using that golden-yellow cord instead because it was thinner so easier to thread through my button and because the colour reminded me of this time of year: golden sunlight in the afternoon and the changing leaves before they fall. 

The metal button was one I found around the house. It had once been on a jacket belonging to my mother, so had an ancestral connection. It also looked like an equal-armed cross in a circle, which is a sign representing the balance of the four elements and the equinoxes and solstices in the Wheel of the Year, quite apart from being a Celtic Cross similar to the carved stone on the front of The Silversnake Project book.

The Silversnake Project is published by Triarchy Press and there's still time to read it and try the activities if you fancy doing so. You can view the book on Amazon.

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