Tuesday 27 August 2024

Tarot for the Day: 9 of Winter From the Animal Tarot

With the August Bank Holiday over and summer drawing to a close, I drew a card as a reading for the world from the Animal Tarot. I revealed the Nine of Winter. 

The picture is a sea lion high on a rock at night in a stormy sea. I love the art in this deck, which is the work of Dan Craig. Here he manages to paint a creature that at first glance seems in a perilous, even scary, position, but is perfectly safe. I also like the fact that meanings are printed on each card in this set. This reads:

"Your worries and fears aren't real - they're fueled by focussing on the negative, which gives power to that which you're afraid of. Stop worrying, let go of fear, and everything will be okay!"

The book that comes in the box goes into greater depth, but the concise message is adequate. The suit of Winter corresponds with Swords in the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. The Nine of Swords has a very similar meaning. It shows someone waking up in the dark from a nightmare. 

This morning, when I woke up shortly before 6am it was still not quite day - a sign that the nights are getting longer. It is never easy getting back to work after a break and it is natural to fret about all the things that need doing and problems that need solving. Nine of Winter / Nine of Swords is a reminder things aren't necessarily as bad as we fear. 

If you're struggling emotionally today, spend a little time contemplating that image of a sea lion. Visualise that you have that same strength as the powerful animal depicted. You are capable of being serene even if life seems like a sea of trouble right now. Night will end and waves will calm. Look at the beauty in the image rather than focussing on the turbulence of the ocean. Also look around you, perhaps out of the window, and contemplate the beauty in the natural world as summer slowly turns to autumn. You can do today, focus on the positives!

The Animal Tarot is published by Hay House and the card meanings written by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. You can read I review I wrote of the set here.

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