Friday, 13 September 2024

Occult London: Natural History Museum Cursed Amethyst

This cursed amethyst is in the Vault gallery of treasures in London's Natural History Museum. The legend below it states:
This stone is testament to the properties people ascribe to gemstones, beyond their scientific or monetary value. It came to the Museum with a letter from the previous owner, Edward Heron-Allen. The letter warns the future owner that it is 'trebly accursed and stained with the blood and dishonour of everyone who has ever owned it'. Heron-Allen, a scientist who worked at the Natural History Museum for several years, was so convinced of its curse that he had it bound in 'the double headed snake that had been the finger ring of Heydon the Astrologer' to neutralise its effects.
Many of us wear jewellery and gems for protection. Most people who believe in the power of crystals consider amethyst to have the power to cleanse negative energy. This amethyst was plainly believed to be the exception.

Another treasure in the vault gallery is the Aurora Pyramid of Hope, which is 296 naturally coloured diamonds set out in a pyramid shape. The collection is said to represent the natural diversity of the Earth. It is named after the Roman goddess of the dawn, Aurora, and symbolisies hope for a new beginning.

I'm sharing this picture and post on a Friday 13 - also commonly believed to be unlucky. In recent years I've seen some pagans say it's only unlucky for Christians, and that for witches the number 13 is auspicious. Personally, I wear my favourite protective amulet, just to be on the safe side.

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