Tuesday, 29 October 2024

London Necropolis: St Mary Spital Charnel House

Before Samhain - or Halloween - for many years I blogged with photos of London's burial grounds under the title London Necropolis. A Necropolis is a city of the dead. Here's another post in the series: the archeological remains of St Mary Spital Charnel House. 

This is part of London's medieval history and was in the crypt of St Mary Magdalene and St Edmund the Bishop chapel in 1320. It was below a cemetery and was used for storing bones. This was necessary as the cemetery became over-full due, as did many city burial sites.

However, Inspector of Ancient Monuments Jane Siddell believes many of the remains were those of victims of the great famine of the 14th century. People flocked to London from Essex when crops failed, but then died of starvation. This terrible tragedy, and those who suffered, can still be remembered today.

The charnal house was rediscovered in 1999 and is underneath the pavement at Bishops Square, London E1 6FQ. It can be viewed behind glass via steps that lead down below street level. Entry is free. The figures are not human remains, but artistic representations. I took the photo earlier this year. 

You can read more of my London Necropolis posts from previous years in the links below:


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