Thursday, 12 February 2009

Divining love with the Eros Oracle

There are many sets of divination cards on the subject of love, including the Tarot of Love and Astrology for Lovers, but one of my favourites is the Eros Oracle by Laura Tuan.

I saw the cards in a book shop while I was on a wonderful holiday with my lover, and was drawn to buy a set because of the delightful artwork. The images show stylish and stylised individuals and couples in decadent 1920s settings. The artwork is erotic and suggestive but certainly not crude.

The deck intrigued me because it is specifically about the forces of passion, eroticism, emotion and desire within a relationship, rather than being about, for example, whether you will meet a tall dark stranger, get married and have two kids.

The booklet that comes with it says:

"Eroticism is a subjective experience, an emotion connected to personal experience, yet often shared and relational at the same time. The language of Eros plays on innuendo, creating impressions, enticing gestures, mischief and allusive symbols capable of unleashing our fantasies."
A further unusual aspect of these cards is that they are intended to be used as a divinatory game rather than to do a more traditional tarot reading. This can be played by two people, with the idea that they interpret the cards together, using them to discuss their relationship as well as, perhaps, suggesting ways to spice up their love life.

The Eros Oracle/Oraculo del Eros cards on their own cost around £5.99 through Amazon. The Eros Oracle with Book cost just over £10 through Amazon. They are published by Lo Scarabeo, in Italy.

Eros Oracle with Book(s)
Eros Oracle/Oraculo del Eros
Astrology for Lovers (Book & Cards)
Tarot of Love

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