Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Spring Equinox: Honouring the Sacred Hare

Spirit of the Hare 
Born with your eyes wide open
To the beauty of nature
And its deadliness.
Fairy creature
Friend to witches
Never tamed.
Dancing and running
With the madness of the springtime
Now you are here
And then you are gone
As if by magic.
Ancient spirit of the Earth
And companion of the Moon.
Run in Peace
With the blessings of the Goddess
And live long in this land.

The Bad Witch, March 2012
I wrote that poem for the Spring Equinox after being given a present of a little box of hares and moons modelled in clay and containing the seeds of wild flowers. The box was called Moon Gazer Sacred Offerings to Honour the Spirit of the Hare and was made by 7th Veil.

The idea is that you hang the clay hares and moons on the branches of a tree as an offering to the Goddess of the Moon and her companion the Spirit of the Hare. The hare represents life and abundance, fertility, creativity, new beginnings, transformation and generosity - and is particularly honoured at this time of year, the Spring Equinox and Ostara (or Easter).

I hung the hare in the photo above on a blossoming branch in my garden. In time the clay will be worn away by the wind and rain. The seeds inside will scatter and take root in the soil to bring my garden to life with beautiful wild flowers.

Links and previous related posts


MewlKitten said...

What a wonderful gift. I love that idea, and I will try to remember it for next year. I hope you have a Blessed Ostara!

Alan Cassady-Bishop said...

Great idea! Along with my tat and the assorted ornaments and sculptures, I think I'm going to get cracking and make some similar offerings!

Anonymous said...

Deeply touched by your beautiful poem & its truth.
Blessings to you x