Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Online Magic School: British Native Shamanism

I've been blogging quite a bit about online learning courses recently, and here is another one. A course in British native shamanism is being offered by Elen Sentier, author of Shaman Pathways - Elen of the Ways, Shaman Pathways - Following the Deer Trodsand Shaman Pathways - Trees of the Goddess.

Elen says: "Being Awenydd, the British native shaman, means being a spirit keeper... The word ‘shaman’ means ‘one who knows’ – this is kenning in the British tongue, it means “knowing” and the name Cunning Folk comes from this."

She offers two British shamanism training courses, an Awenydd Apprenticeship, which is a one-year online course that can be started at any time, and Rainbow Warriors' three-year advanced training. This is the description of the Awenydd Apprenticeship that Elen gives on her website:
Subjects include …
The Bones of the Wyrd
Familiar Spirits
Lowerworld: the Ancestors
Upperworld: the Teachers
Middleworld: the Work
Celtic Totems
Sacred Duality

Doing the work … walking the path
I set you a journey-task each lesson that will involve ritual and questing. You tell me what happened and report back to me on how things have gone, what you have done, how you feel, – most importantly – what has changed and grown in you over the past month. It’s this changing, opening up, widening of perspective, that is important for the apprentice shaman. Then I give you feedback, pose questions and challenges, offer ideas for things you could do to grow. You can always ask me anything you like, via email and/or text. I will respond … not always with answers but sometimes with more questions that lead you to find your own answers. Always, I encourage you to be yourself, find your own answers, to grow in confidence and the ability to work and serve.

Visits – The work is done over the internet and (for those who can get here) spending a day with me as part of a group with your fellow apprentices. On these days we explore the work in all sorts of ways including journeying, drumming, work at sacred sites, some bushcraft, walking spirit paths … and of course loads and loads of questions and discussion :-).

The day starts at 10.30am and finishes by 4.30pm so there is time for you to drive here and back in one day if you wish. If you are coming by train it will take you longer, you will need to take a taxi from the station out to my home and you may need to find a B and B.
The cost is £560/year and fees can be paid via, PayPal or by bank transfer. For more information, including Elen's contact details, visit:

Elen Sentier is also one of the speakers at a two-day conference in London this June called The Shamanic Lands. You can find out more about the event here:

Links and previous related posts
Shaman Pathways - Following the Deer Trods: A practical guide to working with Elen of the Ways

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