Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Online Magic School: Minoan & Egyptian Mysteries

Since the start of January I've been posting details of some really interesting distance learning courses in various aspects of paganism and magical traditions. Here are two more online courses being offered this spring. One is in Minoan pagan spirituality and the other is the Egyptian Mystery Tradition.

Into the Labyrinth: Minoan Paganism
Laura Perry, author of the lovely book Ariadne's Thread: Awakening the Wonders of the Ancient Minoans in our Modern Lives, is offering an online course called Into the Labyrinth, which offers an eight-week series of classes in Minoan paganism. In her description of the course, Laura says:
Join me as we journey into the Labyrinth and discover the magic and beauty of Minoan spirituality. We'll meet the Great Mother Rhea in her cave on Mt. Dikte; we'll dance with Dionysos and celebrate the Ancestors with the Melissae. And we'll walk the Labyrinth hand-in-hand with Ariadne, the One who lights the way.

Every Monday for eight weeks you'll receive the class information in PDF format by e-mail - an adventure in Minoan culture, spirituality, and mythology. I'll share rituals with you and show you how to create a Minoan-style altar. The classes will include invocations, myths and legends, and even recipes and crafts. In addition to the PDF, each week's class will include an MP3 of a meditation journey focusing on the deities and subject matter of the week. Along with the lessons you'll have access to a private Facebook group for discussion where I'll be happy to answer all your questions and help you along.

This is all new material that doesn't duplicate anything in my book Ariadne's Thread. And no, you don't have to read the book before you take the class (though of course I'd be thrilled if you did).
Into the Labyrinth classes begin on Monday, 2 March 2015. Registration deadline is Saturday, 28 February 2015. Laura is based in America, but you can participate from anywhere in the world, at your own pace. The price for the full eight-week course is $40. PayPal will automatically convert the currency if you're paying in something other than US dollars.

There is a private Facebook group for class discussions. For more discussion about Minoan spirituality, you can join the Facebook group Ariadne's Tribe. You don't have to be signed up for the course to join. For more details and to sign up, visit!online-course/cmyn

Temple of Khem: Egyptian Mystery Tradition
The Temple of Khem is offering distance training in the Egyptian mysteries. The principal of the ToK is Melusine Draco, who is the author of Liber Aegyptius: Book of Egyptian Magic: 1as well as having written extensively on British Old Craft. The course description on the ToK website says:
Contrary to popular belief, the modern Egyptian Mystery Tradition is not based solely on elaborate and complicated ritual. In strictly historical terms, these daily observances were carried out in the inner sanctum of the Temple by pharaoh, or the high priest acting on his behalf. Magic was used by all levels of society as a means of national and cultural preservation, but as far as the ordinary people were concerned, much of their religion was a blend of petitioning the local patron deity for help, and simple rites of protection or healing. In 1996, a group of British magical practitioners decided to form the Temple of Khem in order to offer structured courses in the Mysteries for those who wished to pay homage to the gods of the Nile Valley. 
Using the resources at the British Museum and the Egypt Exploration Society, it was possible to put together a basic, introductory course that would be well within the grasp of any genuine seeker, whilst not compromising or trivialising authentic source material. ToK explores the Egyptian Mystery Tradition from its primitive roots in pre-dynastic times, through the Heliopolitan and Hermopolitan cosmogonies – instead of attempting to condense a belief system that extended over 5,000 years. Whether you are drawn to the primordial forces of emerging civilization; the mystery elements of a highly cultured people; or the ‘dying god’ concept of the cycle of life – the Temple of Khem will help you find the Path that is right for you. 
For more information go to:

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