Monday 20 June 2016

I'm Going to Stonehenge for the Summer Solstice

Today I am off to Stonehenge to celebrate the Summer Solstice. Although I have certainly been to England's most famous stone circle many times before, I've never before been there for a solstice celebration, as I blogged about a few years ago.

This year I made it one of my resolutions to finally experience either the sunset or sunrise on the longest day and shortest night of the year at Stonehenge. It might rain, it might be too cloudy to see the sun, it might be packed with tourists and it might cost a fortune to park in the car park, but I don't care. It is one of those things I feel I have to do at least once and I am sure it will be memorable, whatever happens..

I won't be taking an expensive camera with me, but I do hope to get one or two photos to share on the blog.

Happy Summer Solstice, wherever you are!

The photo at the top was taken by my friends Karen Padley and Stuart Knight at the Summer Solstice at Stonehenge in 2014

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Lana said...

I hope you have a very happy Solstice! It's been a dream of mine to spend one at Stonehenge. Alas, my exam sessions coincide with both the Winter and the Summer Solstice, so it is yet to come true. Please tell us how it goes in full detail! ^^

Badwitch said...

I will do! Hope you can get to Stonehenge in the future!