Thursday, 18 March 2021

Pagan Eye: The House of Stories by Imelda Almqvist

My Pagan Eye posts usually show photographs people have taken of sacred sites, weird and wonderful things, and pagan events. However, I sometimes include art. This amazing painting was done by Shamanic artist and author Imelda Almqvist. It is called The House of Stories. Imelda said: 

"Can I just say how much FUN I had working on this painting?! I have been meditating on the English word WHIMSY: "playfully quaint or fanciful behaviour or humour". I speak many other languages but I believe this to be a word that is quintessentially English! It does not easily translate into any other language I know (about 20), though you can of course express the quality in another language using many words (a description that is).

"For me "whimsy" has been a life saver during lockdown. While (just about) everything else I took for granted 13 months ago has crashed around me (a Holy Time of Thin Skin and Deep Grief!) the spirits embodied in my own paintings have been true friends and a life saver. They - and my Dutch sense of humour - have literally saved my sanity. And that is a good thing."

Imelda also invited people to say what they see  in this painting. She said: "Does it resemble any dream you have had? Anything whimsical in your life?"

You can find out more about Imelda's work and teaching at her website: She is also the author of several books on shamanism and creativity, including Sacred Art - A Hollow Bone for Spirit.

My Pagan Eye posts show photos that I find interesting - seasonal images, pagan sites, events, or just pretty pictures. If you want to send me a photo for a Pagan Eye post, please email it to Let me know what the photo shows and whether you want your name mentioned or not. For copyright reasons, the photo must be one you have taken yourself.

Previous Pagan Eye posts about art

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