Monday 23 August 2021

Perfect Autumn Reading: The Lucky Leaf Handbook

I'm looking forward to autumn days. What I love most when autumn approaches is the changing colour of the trees and watching the leaves fall to cover the ground in a carpet of russet and gold. I've noticed the first signs already this year. I also enjoy the game of trying to catch leaves as they float down from the branches. One of my cauldrons is full of leaves I've collected in autumns past. I keep them as symbols of the season, to use in spells - and just for the pleasure of looking at them.

A new book about the joy of catching falling leaves and collecting them is The Lucky Leaf Handbook, by TEP Noodle. Publisher Boatwhistle says on its website:

"The Lucky Leaf Handbook is the world’s first guide to the game of catching leaves as they fall from the trees. T. E. P. Noodle is a pioneering “lucky leafer” who has been playing the game for many years, and has harnessed that experience, along with immeasurable enthusiasm and an inimitable prose style, to produce a book that will appeal to readers of all ages who have a spirit of adventure and a love of the great outdoors. By the end of the book, the author believes, you too will regard lucky leaf as “the greatest of all games”.

The Lucky Leaf  Handbook is a miniature book with original illustrations and photographs, plus an index. It covers the folklore of leaves and how to identify what trees they came from, as well as all the information you could want about how to play the delightful game of catching leaves in the air. It is perfect autumn reading.

I am also very proud that I've been quoted at the back of the book for blogging about the superstition that catching the first leaf of autumn will protect you against catching colds that winter.

The Lucky Leaf Handbook can be had for £6 from

Links to some of my earlier posts about leaves

1 comment:

Jane said...

Fall is one of the only times my cats can be bothered to stir themselves and chase something!