Friday, 1 October 2021

Halloween Shopping: Jane Mortimer Sheds Witchy Light

Witchy synchronicity really is a thing. I'm sure we are all on the same wavelength somehow.

Yesterday, just before I was about to share my photo of a cauldron cup I bought in Poundland, my fellow blogging witch Jane Mortimer sent me a photo of some great Halloween things she found in her local Poundland.  The picture at the top shows Jane's cat inspecting her cauldron candles, and the other shows all the great things she bought.

Jane said: "The 'bleeding candles' are black on the outside and red on the inside, so the 'blood' dribbles down them as they burn.  I haven't prised the pumpkin lights out of their box yet, but they'll be fine (they weren't £1, but they were still dead cheap).  The scented cauldron candles are very good value for money, and if they're black all over they can be re-used as scrying bowls.  The pumpkin candles are also £1, and they're scented with mandarin and patchouli.  Very nice.  Poundland's 'Creepy Town' range is always worth a look in time for Halloween."

I agree!

Do send in any pictures of wonderful witchy finds you've discovered in the shops this Halloween. You can leave a comment, email or find me on Facebook as Lucya Starza.

Other previous related posts

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