Friday, 13 January 2023

Goddesses: Burning a Candle for Brigid for 19 Nights

At dusk today, which was shortly before 5pm UK time, I lit this candle for the goddess Brigid. I'll be doing this each evening until Imbolc along with a group of pagan friends in the Woodspirits group. We'll be lighting our candles in our own homes, but sharing our thoughts and pictures on the group's Facebook page. The idea was suggested by a member who does something similar every year. This January she took inspirtation from "Nineteen Flames for Brigid" as described by Lunaea Weatherstone in her book Tending Brigid's Flame. I've not read the book myself, so I'm following the lead of my friend who has.

The idea is to take a white candle, divide it into 19 sections, then burn one section every night. I marked my candle using a ruler and a candle pen, but you could just scratch lines with the end of a match. My lines are a bit wiggly, but at least they are obvious. 

Each evening our group will focus on a theme or area of life with which Brigid is associated. The first evening is dedicated to welcoming Brigid and stating that the candle is lit in her name. After saying a few words, I sat in silent contemplation of the candle and the blessings of the Goddess as the flame burnt down to the line. I then snuffed the candle out until tomorrow evening. 

You still have time to prepare and light a candle tonight if you want to do this too.

You can view Tending Brigid's Flame on Amazon. (Note: I earn commission from advertisers for some links. This helps support my blog at no extra cost to those who read my posts.)

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