Thursday 2 November 2023

Authors On Their Own Writing: Daniela Simina

I've interviewed pagan writer Daniela Simina about which of her own books she most liked and why, continuing my mini interview series with authors. 

Q: Of the books you’ve written, which is your favourite?

A: Among all the books I’ve written so far, A Fairy Path: The Memoire of a Young Fairy Seer in Training is my favorite.

Q: What’s it about?

A: A Fairy Path is an autobiographical work that captures my early years growing up in Romania with my grandmother, a medicine woman - a fairy seer. It is a story of coming of age in the harsh reality of a society dominated by a communist regime force-feeding pragmatism to an otherwise deeply spiritual people. The protagonist of the story (my younger self) aspires to become a fairy seer and medicine woman but must learn to navigate societal and family conflicts in order to get closer to her ideal. The interaction with fairies shatters the idyllic image she initially held. The reality is sobering for young Daniela who learns the hard way the do’s and don’ts of fairy witchcraft.

Q: Why is it your favourite?

A: This book, which I dedicate to my grandmother, offers a unique perspective on folk medicine and fairy seership as it was practiced in Romania half a century ago. I am happy and proud to offer readers something sui generis, the experience of someone who grew up steeped into fairy lore and learned directly from a fairy seer. While the plot revolves around a young Daniela and folk traditions are introduced through a child’s eye view, this is not a children’s book. In endorsing A Fairy Path, Cat Heath, author of Elves, Witches and Gods, says, “this is the magic of storytelling when used to teach”. These words summarize perfectly my intent for this book. The experiences, charms, spells, rituals, and beliefs detailed in its pages make A Fairy Path a valuable resource for scholars, practitioners of magic, and everyone with an interest in fairies. 

Q: Tell me a bit more about yourself and any other books you’ve written.

A: I am a fairy witch, and my spiritual path unfolds at the intersection between Norse and Irish cultures. I research, write, and teach classes on various esoteric subjects, including fairy magic and spiritual herbalism. Aside from A Fairy Path. The Memoir of a Young Fairy Seer in Training I also wrote Where Fairies Meet: Parallels between Irish and Romanian Fairy Traditions and Fairy Herbs for Fairy Magic: A Practical Guide to Fairy Herbalism.  

As the title suggests, Where Fairies Meet explores the parallels between fairy traditions in Irish and Romanian lore. Analyzing similarities as a side-by-side comparison highlights not only the common threads but also draws awareness to the uniqueness of fairy beings in each culture. The rich material gathered in this book – stories, first-hand accounts, rituals and symbolism with archaic origins- invites deeper consideration of the reality that underlies fairy-related phenomena.  

Fairy Herbs for Fairy Magic is a practical guide that arose from my own need for such a resource. This is not a generic compendium for spiritual herbalism, but a guide to using herbs in a fairy-based practice specifically. Over 40 herbs, trees, and resins are analyzed based on their connection to different kinds fairies, and a special section is reserved to water. Practical commendations for practice abound in the book together with details about fairy doctors and witches and the relationship to fairy familiars.

My quest is to create practical resources and help people re-connect with the enchantment of natural world and the magic of fairies. 

You can find Daniela Simina's author page at publisher Moon Books. You can also find A Fairy Path and her other titles on Amazon and other online book stores.

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