Thursday, 30 November 2023

Books on Witchcraft: A Fairy Path by Daniela Simina

A book is coming out next week that I enjoyed reading so much that I wrote an endorsement for it before it was published. It's A Fairy Path: The Memoirs of a Young Fairy-Seer in Training by Daniela Simina, and is an autobiographical account of growing up in Romania and learning witchcraft at a young age. Daniela also told me that it's her favourite from all the books she's written. Here's what I said in my endorsement:

“In A Fairy Path: The Memoirs of a Young Fairy-Seer in Training, Daniela Simina offers a beautifully written tale of a childhood full of fairy magic, yet lived in fear during in Romania’s Communist past. It’s a story based in truth, of traditional folk beliefs passed on from grandmother to granddaughter and practiced in secret for the good of the community. It’s also about growing up, coming of age, and learning to take on the responsibilities of being a witch. The book ends with a wonderful collection of genuine charms and spells, as learnt by Daniella from her youngest days.”

A Fairy Path is published by Moon Books but can also be found at Amazon

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