I am fascinated by herbalism and the ways plants have been used for ages to heal all kinds of ailments, and I love learning what the flowers - and weeds - in my garden can be used for as well as looking pretty. So, I will definitely be keeping an eye on this series.
The presenter, James Wong, is an ethnobotanist from London's Kew Gardens. In the first episode he looks at soup made with goji berries and chillies, which are reputed to be good for the immune system and for thinning mucus. I think I could probably do with some of that myself right now, as I have been suffering with a nasty cough for the past few days.
There is a book available to go with the TV series, called Grow Your Own Drugs: Easy Recipes for Natural Remedies and Beauty Fixes: Easy Recipes for Natural Remedies and Beauty Treats
This has also prompted me to start reading Bud, Blossom, Leaf: The Magical Herb Gardener's Handbook
I will review it on A Bad Witch's Blog in a few days.
Grow Your Own Drugs: Easy Recipes for Natural Remedies and Beauty Fixes: Easy Recipes for Natural Remedies and Beauty Treats
Hi bad witch, I found your site through googling blogs on this series after watching it tonight. I don't have much herbal knowledge but am enjoying dipping my paws into using natural recipes. Looking forward to seeing your thoughts on this show.
Mouse - thanks for leaving your comment. I really enjoyed the programme and will certainly be watching the rest of the series. I'm thinking of trying out the hop and lavender sleep pillow, too, as I sometimes suffer from insomnia when I'm feeling stressed.
Love dorothy morrisons books! always a good read.
Not read that one, will have to buy it when I ain't broke lol.
Antony x
I got my copy secondhand. It is well worth checking the secondhand books on sites like Amazon as they are much cheaper than buying new.
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