Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Celtic Stories workshops

A few years ago I went to some wonderful workshops run by shamanic teacher Hilde, of Deertracks, on the subject of ancient Celtic stories and ways that they can help us in our modern world.

I've just found out that Hilde is re-running the workshops, called Pwyll, Rhiannon and the Spirits of the Land, and I would thoroughly recommend them if you missed them the first time round.

There are four workshops in the series:

Entering the Otherworld, on Saturday, 17 April
Otherworld Beloved, on Saturday, 5 June
Otherworld Child on Saturday, on 7 August
Rhiannon, Mare of Sovereignty, on Saturday, 2 October

The description of the workshops on the Deertracks website says:

"Through the story of Pwyll and Rhiannon, this series of workshops shows you how to bring harmony to your life and your world by forming an intimate relationship with Spirit. That way trust can be restored between humans and the spirits of the land, and gifts can flow freely between the worlds once again."
Each workshop runs from 11am until 6 pm and the cost is £40 per workshop or £120 for all four if you pay for the whole series in advance.

The workshops take place at a quiet location in Harrow & Wealdstone, which is just north of London, 15 minutes by train from Euston.

For more information, and to book tickets, visit



The Hag said...

I have passed the Beautiful Blogger Award to you. Check out my blog, hag's haunt, for details. Thank you for your wonderful blogs.

Badwitch said...

Clara - thanks very much! I have visited your blog and enjoyed reading it. I'll definitely visit it again.