Thursday, 7 March 2019

Divination: Two of Wands from The Fairytale Tarot

Ten years ago I saw a copy of The Fairytale Tarot and so wanted to own a copy that I begged my husband to buy it for me as a birthday present. He gave me the boxed set, which includes a 232-page book as well as the cards, but I have to confess I've not used it that much since I got it.

This year, one of my resolutions was to make more use of decks I own and love, but have overlooked when doing readings. Today it is the turn of The Fairytale Tarot and I drew the Two of Wands, which is depicted as the Billy Goats Gruff (pictured left).

As you probably know, this is a traditional Norwegian story about three goats who outwit a murderous troll when they want to cross a bridge to get to good pastures. The book that comes with the deck tells the full tale, then interprets it as being about modest achievements made using a cautious approach.

The Two of Wands indicates that, if you are feeling dissatisfied with your life, this is a good time for taking careful steps to improve your situation or move on to pastures new. Approach risks and dangers with sensible plans - and maybe some teamwork - and you will overcome them.

Although the Billy Goats Gruff is a well-known tale, many of those used in The Fairytale Tarot are more unusual. The book that comes with the deck (pictured right) retells each of them as well as covering how the card can be interpreted in a reading. The artwork on the cards is beautifully drawn and full of symbolism. As someone who loves fairy tales and tarot, I really should have used this set more often, and I plan to do so in future.

Looking at secondhand copies currently available, it seems this deck is now quite rare and collectable. I am very glad I have the set.

You can view The Fairytale Tarot on Amazon.

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