Thursday, 29 October 2020

Halloween Shopping: Crystal Skulls, Bones & Puzzles

What do you think of my new crystal skull?

As you probably realised from looking at the photo, it isn't actually real crystal. It is a 3D puzzle made of clear plastic, but I think it looks pretty good anyway and is happily sitting on my shelf in my witchy room. I'm thinking of giving it a name. Maybe Scully - what do you think?

I treated myself to the skull for Halloween, along with another jigsaw puzzle showing skeletons. Both were in a sale at The Works a few weeks ago. Not being able to go to Halloween parties this year means I've been looking for suitably spooky things to do just with my husband, rather than with a crowd of friends. 

We put the puzzle together in about an hour yesterday, but we did use the instructions that come in the box showing what order to put the bits together. Each piece is numbered and there is a sheet of paper showing what the order looks like too. If you tried to do it without that I think it would take ages. 

Although I celebrate Samhain as a pagan festival - I'll be going to an online Wheel of the Year ritual - I do also enjoy more secular spooky fun. Jigsaw puzzles and games have been helping to keep me sane during lockdown. The picture below shows the skeleton puzzle, which I'm aiming to start next. I also have a beautiful vintage black cat puzzle that includes a spell to cast when you've finished.

Mind you, I am also tempted to try scrying with my fake crystal skull some time around October 31. I regularly scry using a crystal ball, but I've successfully used reflective plastic for divination in the past too. I'm always up for experimenting.

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