Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Tarot: The Ace of Cups - Signs of New Beginnings

I drew a card for the world from The Essential Tarot and it was the Ace of Cups. I was initially surprised to get such a positive card at a time when so many people are hardly in a positive place. But the Ace of Cups offers new beginnings, and that's what I see in this reading. 

In the Northern Hemisphere the days are growing warmer and are now longer than the nights, spring flowers are everywhere, and the trees are greening. We're able to get out and about to meet friends and family, and in-person events are taking place more than at any time in the past two years. However, many people are still suffering - and we shouldn't forget that.

In this card we see a hand holding an overflowing cup as the sun rises. In some decks there is the symbol for spirit over the cup. It can represent the Grail, which is capable of healing all wounds. The suit of cups represents our emotions, and most strongly here that is love for all living things. We have an opportunity to show loving kindness to those around us, to take pleasure in the simple things of life, and to let joy return to the world through our own words and actions. 

Drawing this card reminded me of a chant for healing I wrote some time ago. Although I have posted it on my blog before, I will reshare it here. Feel free to use it in your own prayers or spells:

May your cup always be full

By the bubbling brook and clear mountain stream
May your cup always be full
By the waters that spring from the earth so deep
May your cup always be full
By the rain that falls from the sky above
May your cup always be full
By the seas and oceans vast and wide
May your cup always be full
From tears of grief to tears of joy
May your cup always be full
With all your hopes and all your dreams
May your cup always be full
With the curing of ills and a long, long life
May your cup always be full
With the love and cheer that friendship brings
May your cup always be full
May your wounds be healed both in body and soul
And may your cup always be full.

By Lucya Starza

You can read my review of The Essential Tarot here. The deck is by Chloé Zarka Grinsnir and published by Sterling Ethos.

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