Thursday, 28 July 2011

A poem or chant for healing

I wrote this poem yesterday, to use as a chant for someone I know who is seriously ill.

The ever-flowing cup, chalice or grail is a powerful symbol for friendship and for healing. My wishes are for their full recovery - and I hope they won't mind me sharing the poem with you on my blog.

May your cup always be full

By the bubbling brook and the clear mountain stream
May your cup always be full
By the waters that spring from the earth so deep
May your cup always be full
By the rain that falls from the sky above
May your cup always be full
By the seas and oceans vast and wide
May your cup always be full
By tears we shed in joy and grief
May your cup always be full
With all your hopes and all your dreams
May your cup always be full
With the curing of ills and a long, long life
May your cup always be full
With the love and cheer that friendship brings
May your cup always be full
May your wounds be healed both in body and soul
And may your cup always be full.
The image shows the Ace of Cups from the Crowley Thoth Tarot Deckwhich you can order through Amazon

Related links and previous posts:
Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck Standard


Here be Dragons said...

That's a lovely poem.

Reiter's disease said...

wow amazing poem, while reading it i felt the vibration! thank you!

Helena said...

What a lovely poem!

Badwitch said...

Thank you very much!