Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Witch Games: Septima - Build a Coven & Avoid Hunters

As well as doing witchy things I enjoy playing boardgames. I particularly like games that portray witches in a positive way. Septima, by Mindclash Games, does that wonderfully. 

Players compete to build a coven, collect collect herbs and crystals along woodland paths, brew potions, and heal sick villagers. The one who does that best wins the game and becomes head witch - or the Septima of the title. That's not all though. Witchhunters are also patroling the woods and sending suspects to court. This means you have to manage your time and resources to avoiding capture and rescuing those put on trial. 

In the photo at the top, you can see the board and some of the cards set out when I played it at the weekend. I should point out that it is quite complex with lots of rules, so is more likely to appeal to experienced game players. Personally, I think it's worth the effort. 

The version with English rules is a little difficult to find at the moment, but you can find more details on boardgamegeek.

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