Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Bare, beautiful and blessed

Did you spot the error in my Pagan Events for Yule post last weekend? A friend of mine did - and thought it was very funny.

For the Mid-Winter Picnic and Yule Ceremony by Hern's Tribe at Richmond Park this Sunday, I offered the advice: "Wear clothing".

"In this weather," she said, "there's no way I'd even think of doing an outdoor ritual skyclad!"

Quite right too. You need your thickest robe and your thermal long johnsunderneath it. I had, of course, meant to say "wear warm clothing."

Still, most witches do like to go skyclad - or naked - when the weather's good enough and there's a roaring fire to dance around. As it says in the Charge of the Goddess by Doreen Valiente: " a sign that ye be really free, ye shall be naked in your rites; and ye shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love, all in Her praise."

To Wiccans, being bare is beautiful and blessed.

On a similar note, another friend emailed a news story saying that Croatia could get its first striptease school. Teacher Marijana Barlek, who is planning to open the school, told Croatian Times she wants to return striptease the "dignity" that the dance once enjoyed as an expression of dancers’ devotion to their gods.

Womens Thermal Underwear Sets Long Sleeve Vest and Long Jane

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think I'm going to start giving that bit of advice more often.

Tips for your public speaking final? Wear clothing.