Sunday, 18 October 2020

Samhain Shopping: Magical Goods at Little Grey Witch

Here's another review of witchy Samhain shopping, written by Jane Mortimer, with a look at goodies she ordered from Little Grey Witch on Etsy:

I just had the best night's sleep for ages; I'd used one of the bath bombs in my Little Grey Witch order last night. It's the heart shaped one called Aphrodite, and it reminds me of the old Tisty Tosty bath bomb that Lush used to do. The rose petals and buds that came out of it will be offered to the hard working army of worms in the compost heap this morning. 

My order from Little Grey Witch arrived in a very seasonal-looking bright orange padded bag, and the goodies inside included three bath bombs, a coffin nail in a little organza bag, a bottle of Four Thieves Vinegar and a bag of bone fragments which I plan to use for divination. The bone fragments are animal bones collected in geological excavations in North Africa, and they date back to the late Cretaceous period, so they're 60-70 million years old. 

 Little Grey Witch supply their goodies in lovely gold drawstring bags that are the right size to hold a deck of tarot cards, and the order had a good sprinkling of dried rose petals, which are always useful for spells and witch bottles.

I wish I'd ordered more of the nails, but I can do that when I go back for more bath bombs. This shop supplies materials for use in witchcraft, voodoo, hoodoo and other practices, so it's quite eclectic, and their prices are very reasonable. I will definitely be going back for more. 

The top picture shows the whole order and the bottom picture shows the bath bomb out of its wrapping.

Links and previous related posts

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