Monday, 31 December 2012

New Year Resolutions - How I Did With My list For 2012

My favourite way of making New Year resolutions is to write down at least 10 things I want to do over the following year. The idea behind this is that with a lot of goals you have a good chance of getting at least some of them done by the end of the year. I usually find it works quite well. In 2011 I managed to achieve seven out of 10, which I thought was pretty good going.

How did I do in 2012? Well, here's what I hoped to do, what I succeeded at, what I attempted, and what I failed to do completely.
  1. Write a spell each month
    This one I achieved and here is a complete list of them:
    January: Twelfth Night Spell For New Year Luck
    February: Valentine's Day Spell - A Scented Love Heart
    March: Easy Candle Wishing Spell
    April: A Bubbly Spell For Happiness
    May: A Daisy Spell For Overcoming Indecision
    June: Lucky Talisman Bracelet To Support Your Team
    July: Spell To Cut Through Red Tape
    August: Spell To Keep The Holiday Spirit
    September: Spell To Get A Good Night's Sleep
    October: Halloween Divination Spell With Pumpkin Seeds
    November: Talisman to Help Recover a Stolen Laptop
    December: Yuletide Potion For Luck, Love and Happiness
  2. Post a full moon ritual on my blog
    I just managed to sneak this one in before the end of the year. I posted a short ritual to honour the moon on my blog last week.
  3. Learn more about astrology
    No, I can't say I did much towards this, apart from taking a little astrological advice now and then.
  4. Interview at least 6 people for the blog
    This has been on my New Year's Resolution list for several years now, and I've never managed to achieve it. In 2012 I interviewed one person - author and shamanic practitioner Ross Heaven. You can read the interview here.
  5. Learn to forge an athame (a witch's knife)
    Not this year, but I still hope to do that some time soon.
  6. Visit a site of pagan interest in London that I haven't already blogged about
    I visited a wonderful site that I hadn' even heard about before this year - Camlet Moat, or London's Camelot.
  7. Visit a chalk horse or hill figure that I haven't already blogged about
    On my way back from my summer holiday in Cornwall, I stopped off at the Westbury White Horse, which is an amazing chalk hill figure in Wiltshire, not far from Stonehenge. 
  8. Visit the Museum of Witchcraft
    After many years of wanting to visit the Museum of Witchcraft, in Cornwall, I finally went there while I was on holiday in August. I was not in the least disappointed. You can read my account here.
  9. Visit Stonehenge
    I visited Stonehenge on a lovely summer's day and took quite a few photos.
  10. See the Northern Lights
    Back in January, I blogged about my travels to Norway in search of the Northern Lights. I did see them. You can see one of the photos I took at the top of this page, and you can see and read more  here.
I make that seven out of 10 - same success rate as last year. I'll be writing my list of New Year Resolutions for 2013 today and tomorrow and hopefully I'll get even more of them done than I did in 2012.

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